July 2024 : BoB’s Party 3

140 former laboratory beagles and their 270 adopters returned to La Maison des Beagles Libres for our third annual BoB’s Party. The BoBettes, BoBoys and their aBoBters were reunited with Virginie, her team and the place where their new life began.

They ate, they laughed, they took part in activities and games, they shared and they bonded. 

Today, we are one big family made up of dogs and human beings who, together, give each other the strength to overcome all difficulties. We weren’t destined to meet and love each other. These beagles weren’t born to be adopte but they brought us together and founded our great friendship.

It was a wonderful day, and a great reward for our mission.

Beagles of Burgundy
is a non-profit organization
3-5 rue de l'Ancien Hôtel de Ville
89450 Vézelay - FRANCE
+33 (0) 6 60 60 21 43 / +33 (0) 6 20 74 12 97