6 months,
75 beagles saved

After just six months, our association has saved 75 beagles from animal experimentation. Almost all of them have since been adopted and are leading happy lives. Some of them need more time to learn to live like a free beagle. Some come running to us, others have difficulty approaching us. But every beagle that enters our House represents a victory in our fight against animal cruelty. Whether they are bold or shy, affectionate or fearful, each BoBoy or BoBette, as what we like to call them, brings us joy – the joy of starting rehabilitation, the joy of preparing them for adoption and seeing them change their new owners’ lives.

We either went to pick up or welcomed each of these 75 survivors personally. We took them out of their transport cage, one by one, identified them and gave them a name. We fed them, took them to the vet and watched over them. We talked to them, reassured them or left them alone. We either couldn’t get to sleep because some cried at night, or we slept very well because some were in our bed. We made some mistakes too, but they taught us a lot.

We’ve tried to select the best adopters. We’ve spent warm afternoons and evenings with our new friends, united around the love of the Beagle of Burgundy! The BoBoys, the BoBettes, the adopters, the members of the association and the many donors now form a family.
Our mission is to keep it growing more and more.

Beagles of Burgundy
is a non-profit organization
3-5 rue de l'Ancien Hôtel de Ville
89450 Vézelay - FRANCE
+33 (0) 6 60 60 21 43 / +33 (0) 6 20 74 12 97